Quality Hardware for
Honeywell DCS

Featured Legacy Honeywell DCS Products

NEW UCN Alarming Cabinet Fan 51303940-151. Replacement for Honeywell 51303940-150

New UCN Fans

WPC offers a NEW 51303940 Dual Fan Alarm Assembly replacement for the original Honeywell fan. We offer both 115v and 230v, CE Compliant and Conformally Coated.

Legacy Honeywell DCS Hardware

Display for US

The FP3000-VESA is an LED-Backlit flat panel display designed to be a replacement for the Honeywell VESA “Bolt On” monitor utilizing the EPDG/EPDGP video system.

Legacy Honeywell DCS Hardware

Solid State Disk

These compact flash based drives emulate the hard drives used with Honeywell’s History Module, single, dual-logical, or SBHM configurations. Industrial-grade compact flash offers high reliability with no moving parts.

Western Process Computers, Inc. provides tested, certified, guaranteed parts for users of legacy Honeywell DCS Hardware. All of our parts are system tested for 48 hours, certified to perform equivalent to a new part, and guaranteed for one year. Our parts support can help you extend the life of your legacy Honeywell DCS hardware. Western Process Computers has been providing quality reliable refurbished hardware to users of Honeywell DCS systems for 30 years! Our customers know us for our fast, professional response to your parts requests.

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