
Availability: In Stock

Availability: In Stock

Processor Board CB-PIU

Our 30731832-001 CPU cards undergo a rigorous, custom-built off-line test to ensure all circuitry on the board is functioning as expected. This is followed by a 48-hour system test in our Hiway test bed, which verifies its ability to perform all required operations correctly. This level of testing exceeds even the original manufacturer's standards.

This processor is compatible with the following Hiway boxes: Basic Controller, RCD, HLPIU, LLPIU, LEPIU, and Operator Station.

A single red LED on the card edge indicates that the processor is running.

The 30731832-001 CPU card is currently in stock and available from Western Process Computers. When Honeywell stopped manufacturing the 30731832-001, they replaced it with the Universal CPU.

The 30731832-001 features the CP1600 microprocessor chip, along with its interfacing and support circuits, which include:

  • Oscillator: A crystal oscillator with timing-phase-generating circuits and devices to drive the processor and the file backplane.
  • Sample Time Clock (STC): A precise timing circuit generated by the main oscillator to provide timing pulses every 1/3 second. These pulses trigger the processor to start its tasks at regular intervals.
  • Watchdog Timer: A circuit triggered by the sample time clock, which can be reset by the processor. It's used to detect issues if the processor fails to complete its tasks. If the watchdog timer isn't reset before the next STC pulse, it indicates a problem with the processor or its ROM instructions, causing the processor to halt.
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