
Availability: In Stock

Availability: In Stock

Display Generator Op Stn

Located in slot 3 of the Basic Operator Station chassis, the Display Generator card receives station data and converts it so it will form characters on a CRT or LCD display. The card allows up to 80 characters on 24 lines. Data from memory is buffered on this board, stored as codes to define all the characters for each line, their color, and blinking status. Board has no LEDs. Jumper is located near the front of board.


A B C Jumper from A to B shown o---o o

Jumper options:

A-B For video copier B-C For Black & White monitors

Adjustments: Not necessary for CRT, maybe for LCD

C-85 Adj clock freq U63-2 12.5MHz +/-0.004%

R-2 Adj 5 µsec pulse at U3-10

R-4 Adj 2.5 µsec pulse at U10-1

R-8 Adj 26 µsec pulse at U10-10

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