
Availability: In Stock

Availability: In Stock


The Enhanced Process Network Interface (EPNI) board (51401583-100) is the main logic board that identifies the NIM (Network Interface Module). This board along with a K4LCN processors comprise the NIM node, including various I/O. The NIM provides the interconnection between the Universal Control Network (UCN) and the Local Control Network (LCN) containing xPM and LM nodes and their point databases. Firmware revision 'H' for board 51401583-100 is required if SOE time synchronization is required.

NETWORK INTERFACE MODULE (NIM)_The UCN point which defines where the UCN resides, and the node-specific points that define the nodes on that UCN, including the NIM and the PM, are built in this activity. Also, the PM data points are built in this activity. Usually, the NIM consists of a pair of redundant NIMs.

A NIM load estimate is calculated by multiplying the value you entered in the number column by the factor in the Load Factor column, entering the results in the Induced Load column, and adding the values in the Induced Load column.

The non-CE NIM I/O is 51304511-100

The CE compliant NIM I/O is 51304511-200

The earlier configuration of the NIM used the older PNI and PNM boards to perform the functions that are now managed by the EPNI.

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