Hiway Coupler Module

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Hiway Coupler Module

The Hiway Coupler Module (HCM) is the interface between standard TDC 3000 Data Hiway cables, and fiber optic cables. The use of fiber optics in the Data Hiway Permits extensions beyond the maximum length of standard No. 14 or 20 AWG coaxial Data Hiway.

The Hiway Coupler Module (HCM) establishes an energy barrier between high voltage sources in the system, and process connected devices. Providing Extremely high transmission line immunity to electromagnetic interference (EMI), or radio frequency interference (RFI).

The HCM consists of a single printed circuit card,30753732-001, mounted either in a single unit case,(CAC100), or in an unused slot of an auxiliary card file.
The HMC2 ,51305813-100 and HCM boards can not be connected to each other. The local and remote ends of any fiber optic segment must use the same board, either HCMs or HCM2s.

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