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LCNP4E2 Board

The connection to the LCN is made through a Local Control Network Processor 51454493-126 (LCNP4e2) card. This card is a Honeywell card that allows the TPS Operator Station to emulate Universal Stations. This card provides the communication path for the server (Dell 5820XL) to other LCN modules.

The LCNP4e2 consists of an LCNP4E card, a MAU cable, and the LCN MAU (Media Access Unit). The 51454493-126 (LCNP4e2) card is a half-length PCIE card that consumes PCIE-X 4 slot 5. The LCNP4e2, MAU, and MAU Cable are required to connect to the LCN Network.

The LCN node address must meet the customer requirements. If the LCN address is not known, the node address must be set to zero. Setting the address to zero allows the node to connect to the LCN without the risk of an address conflict with some other node. This is consistent with the current LCN standard procedure.

The server platform uses a digital system clock. When the server platform is added to an existing system that contains node running analog clocks, that system must have at least two KxLCN boards for analog/digital conversion.

There are two basic versions of the LCNP (Local Control Network Processor board). The LCNP is the older version with a 68030 microprocessor with 8 MW of memory. The LCNP4(x) uses the faster 68040 microprocessor and has 16 MW of memory. A connection for a GPS time sync source for controlling the LCN time was introduced with the LCNP4G and continued with the LCNP4E . The LCNP4M introduced a shorter board and support for 3.3 volt PCI-X sockets. The LCNP4e2 goes in a PCI-Express (PCI-E or PCIe) slot.

51454493-126 LCNP4e2 board has a jack to allow the connection of a GPS time sync source for controlling the LCN time. It is backward compatible with the LCNP4 board.

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